Non-harmonic Tones

Mind Dump

Non-harmonic tones are notes that are not in the chord under- neath them. A passing tone is a step away from and between two different notes in the chord. neighbor tone is a step away from and between two same notes in the chord. An anticipation is a step above or below in the key of the next chord and occurs on a weak beat. Changing tones (cambiata) are two eighth notes that are a step between both the note they are approached by and the note they resolve to. Most non-harmonic tones occur on a weak beat.

Harmonizing and Composing Melodies & the Blues


Step 4 - Provide the title of a song that has a melody you love and describe what you love about it  

"Fallingwater" by Maggie Rogers because the melody of the verses uses leaps and steps in a contrasting way that's very effective. The chorus builds both in tone and dynamic to create a peak that serves the lyrics. 


Step 5 - Provide the title of a song that has a harmony you love and describe what you love about it

"Yesterday" by The Beatles because the chords are complex and interesting and don't always go where you expect them to go but they always fit with the melody and the natural progression of the melody, lyrics and story.


Finale Project

       The addition of non-harmonic tones adds to this composition because there are steps which help to bridge phrases together, instead of just moving in thirds because those are the notes in the chord. They add phrases without being dissonant because they are on weak beats.